Magnificent and Wild

Uninterrupted spectacular views of Galway Bay and The Atlantic Ocean

Structure & External Finishes 

Houses are constructed using a traditional concrete block structure, which is insulated internally. The front elevations of all houses are finished with render and roughly coursed stone for the feature wall panels. The zinc metal roof finish and discrete, simple detailing reflects the simple edges and roof details of vernacular buildings in the area.

These properties are for long and short term rental.

Shore Garden 

There is also a shared shoreline garden for residents to enjoy...

House Types

House 1 (type A) ⟶

House 1 (type A) ⟶

House 3 (Type B) ⟶

House 3 (Type B) ⟶

House 2 (type A)  ⟶

House 2 (type A) ⟶

House 4 (Type B) ⟶

House 4 (Type B) ⟶